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Nupsstadur Forrest

The forest Núpsstaðarskógar is on the land of Núpsstaðir, but Núpsstaðir is the easternmost farm in Skaftárhreppur and is situated by Lómagnúpur. At Núpsstaður there are remarkable old turf buildings that are believed to be typical for farms in Iceland in past centuries. The most noteworthy of these is the chapel, one of few remaining turf churches in the country. The beauty of the environment surrounding Núpsstaður is well known. The area reaches from the ocean and black sands and all the way to Vatnajökull. Volcanic eruptions, glaciers and lakes have shaped the environment there, in addition to shaping diverse formations.
The forest Núpsstaðarskógar is a beautiful copsewood that grows in the hills of Eystrafjall, west of Skeiðarárjökull and south of Grænalón. Diverse vegetation grows there and it's an area that's enjoyable to walk around. A rough track to the forest passes Lómagnúpur and Núpsvötn. There is lots to see there and the landscape is grand, sure to embed itself in the mind of anyone who goes there. Wild sheep were there in the 19th century.

The forest Núpsstaðarskógar is a beautiful copsewood that grows in the hills of Eystrafjall, west of Skeiðarárjökull and south of Grænalón. Diverse vegetation grows there and it's an area that's enjoyable to walk around. A rough track to the forest passes Lómagnúpur and Núpsvötn. There is lots to see there and the landscape is grand, sure to embed itself in the mind of anyone who goes there. Wild sheep were there in the 19th century.